Tag Archives: procrastination

A person can change within a year | Life’s lessons

Expectations, heartbreak, the highs, the lows, humbling experiences, most importantly….lessons learnt. As the year draws near to the end, these words describe my entire year so far. Its been a while since my last post…haha its been forever. I have a few good reasons and a few poor excuses.

Poor excuses first; laziness. First lesson learnt this year. Just with university alone, I’ve learnt that laziness is very counter-productive (thank you captain obvious). The type of laziness I’m talking about is associated with the behaviour of procrastination. You could almost synonymously replace laziness with procrastination in my case. Although such lesson is useful when studying for a piece of paper that you receive after four years, it does not compare to the light bulb moment when applied to the scope of eternity.

I can see for the first time my weaknesses and limitations as a human being.

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